Refine Your Flow - Asana Workshop
with Adrienne Murphy

May 19 (Sunday)
at 11:00 am

Class length
120 minutes

Osborne Park Studio

Join senior yoga teacher Adrienne Murphy in her exclusive workshop series, "Refine Your Flow."

 Over the course of two enlightening hours, delve into the intricate mechanics of select asanas, unraveling the secrets to executing each pose with precision and safety. 

Adrienne invites you to explore the depths of your physical practice, offering ample opportunity to fine-tune your alignment and address any lingering questions.

Whether you're a seasoned yogi or just beginning your journey, this workshop is for you. 

This series will be offered once every 6 weeks where we will focus on different asana each time. Spaces are limited. 

Mays workshop we will cover : 

*Downward dog
*Chaturanga and the transition to cobra & up- dog
*Step / Jump throughs 
*Wild Thing

Exchange: $49



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