Twisting Peacock Yoga

Entering Venus Retrograde - Heart Chakra Healing workshop
with Imogen Rae

July 22 (Saturday)
at 1:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes

On this date, Venus: the planet of love, romance, beauty and art; goes retrograde in the fiery sign of Leo for six whole weeks. Encouraging us to evaluate our current relationships, as well as stirring up emotions and energy from previous romances. Join us for a Heart centred healing circle, as we come together to deeply connect to ourselves and these strong retrograde energies, as well as our Heart chakra. The Heart chakra is the energy centre within the body where we hold our source of romance, relationships, self-love, our willingness to connect with others, any heartache, grief, insecurities and fear, and the emotions surrounding these topics.

This Retrograde is the perfect time to connect with our Heart chakra, which is governed by the planet Venus, and release all that is no longer serving us within these areas of our minds & lives. This retrograde will also highlight where we may find it difficult to express love or emotions, as well as any residual feelings harboured from previous connections. So it’s a good idea to connect and balance the Heart chakra during this time.

We will work with Energy Healing to release any limiting beliefs or self-doubt, any emotional wounds or blockages that are stored within the body or that may be preventing or limiting your Heart chakra from flowing freely. This is a 2-hour workshop, where we will be coming back to Self and channelling these new energies, releasing all that no longer serves us with the help of this Venus retrograde.

This workshop will include participation in multiple different relaxation techniques & Healing modalities, such as Breathwork, Yoga, guided meditation, Energy Healing, journaling, and mindfulness practices. As well as tips and instructions for how to connect to the Heart chakra.

Energy Healing is a non-invasive & hands-off holistic technique that promotes physical and emotional wellness. Suitable and safe for anyone to partake in, this energy cleanses, aligns, and rebalances the Chakras (our energy centres) for full body healing therapy. It is a beautifully relaxing and inspiring practice that will send your body into a meditative state, to aid with its natural healing.

Starting off with the use of guided Breathwork/Pranayama exercises to relax the body & the mind, we'll begin to create movement within your energetic field as we pull this life force energy in and out of the body, through the breath, igniting the chakras. 

We'll use a combination of Mindfulness practices & Journaling exercises to really reflect, shutting out any external influences, to purely connect with Self. 
You'll then be taken through tips and tricks for how to release what no longer serves you and move forwards with peace, whilst connecting to these Venus energies and your Heart Chakra.

You will be guided through a strong yet slow and eventually unwinding, Yin-style Yoga class. With the use of stretching and restorative asanas to release any emotions stored within the Heart chakra.

Moving together into a fully guided Full Moon meditation, with a focus on healing the 7 Chakras, as Imogen sends healing energy to you as a collective. 

What to bring:
Your favourite journal/some paper & a pen
Yoga mat

*Please do not consume caffeine or alcohol in the hours leading up to the workshop if possible, as these block intuitive healing practices* 

About your teacher:
Having studied around the world from Dubai to Sri Lanka with various teachers, Imogen Rae is a fully qualified Energy Healer (Reiki Master level practitioner) and Psychic Medium, as well as a Yoga & Meditation teacher (200hr YTT). Originally from the UK, Imogen currently resides in the South West of Australia, leading a spiritual life helping others to heal from their emotional or physical pains using psychic energy healing & spiritual guidance. 


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