Twisting Peacock Yoga

Full Moon Breathe & Restore - Open Level
with Debbie Hindley

October 29 (Sunday)
at 4:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Osborne Park Studio

The sun and moon's opposition makes for a sacred balance with effects that can be felt here on Earth. Our moon, being the closest celestial body to Earth, has grandiose effects on all living things on our planet. The full moon is a time to nurture, support, and create.

During this time a shift of energy occurs as the moon brings light among the darkness. Eye-opening discoveries surface from within and emotions are heightened as our lunar feminine energy is sparked.

As the ocean's high tide washes over the sand it rinses the beach of debris. This same energy bathes the human soul of unneeded holds, blockages, and even emotional distress.

This class is such a reprieve for the busy lives we lead, balancing pranayama (breath work) very gentle restorative poses to ease the tensions & worries of your energetic, mental, emotional & physical bodies, then you will be guided to plant your Sankalpa (intention) for the coming weeks deep into your subconscious with a full Yoga Nidra.

So join us under mother moon in her full illuminated state to awaken the soul and embrace the divine power within you.
- Gentle Pranayama
- Restorative Yoga
- Guided Yoga Nidra


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