Full Moon Yin & Oils - Open Level
with Faye Vaughan

May 5 (Friday)
at 5:40 pm

Class length
80 minutes

Osborne Park Studio

This slow and meditative class creatively fuses Yin, Nidra & the calming therapeutic essence of essential oils offering a space to slow down, unwind and access inner peace, and will be practiced under mother moon in her full illumination. 

 The focus here is on deeply dropping into the body to access the truth of the moment while gently stretching, restoring and relaxing the physical body. In Eastern traditions, Yin is a compliment to Yang and yin yoga specifically can greatly compliment our very yang lifestyles.

By switching on the parasympathetic nervous system, these calming practices help reverse the effects of stress and cultivate a sense of equanimity and relaxation. Softening, letting go, backing off, allowing the breath to quieten the mind are all gifts of this class. Props are used extensively and all levels and ages are welcome.

Class includes a Yoga Nidra. Nidra is considered by some to be the meditative heart of yoga and it has incredible benefits, including improving our memory, sleep, and creativity.. Through Nidra, we enter a luminal space between waking and dreaming – a place of deep restorative rest.

So join Faye for this carefully curated class to allow you to open into  a deep sense of calm.


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