The Big Chill(Spring Equinox Edition) // Pranayama, Yin, Restorative, Nidra - Open Level
with Mel Howard

September 24 (Saturday)
at 2:30 pm

Class length
120 minutes

Osborne Park Studio

So often, 75 minutes of yin  / restorative yoga yumminess is just not enough, and I've been asked on so many occasions by you lovely people to put on a longer juicer class. 

So I’ve put together this juicy 2 hours of yin, restorative and yoga nidra with gentle pranayama and sound. 

The point of this class is to give the body space and time to consciously relax and restore itself. The body has an amazing capacity to heal itself, but when we're rushing about fuelled by stress and adrenaline, we don't allow the body to tap into its own resources and wisdom. 

We will be taking the body out of 'fight or flight' mode and into 'rest and digest' mode. In this mode, blood returns from the limbs to the digestive and reproductive organs. The heart rate and breathing slow down, and the immune system now has the energy it needs to focus on repairing. 

Seasons of the year affect our lives significantly. Whether it’s the cold of winter or the vibrant heat of summer, we as human beings are at the mercy of the Earth’s elements. The transitions between seasons are especially notable for us as they signal a turning point in our year. These moments are called equinoxes and solstices. 

Spring and autumn arrive upon an equinox, whereas summer and winter begin upon a solstice. Solstices always signal the longest or shortest days of the year. Equinoxes, however, are important because they reveal when day and night are equal. Originating from Latin, equinox essentially means “equal night.”

As the Earth is coming alive again, we can focus on renewal and awakening. As the dark months pass behind us, we can expand, grow and focus on the warmth and light in our lives.  As we are stepping further into the light, this is also a time of clarity, reflection and stillness. Welcome in enlightenment, inspiration and new beginnings. 

Come take your life off and rest awhile with me, I can't wait to guide you.

Mel x

* No yoga experience required. 


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